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Poetry Exercises


Most Commonly Used Words Exercise 39 Answers
1. We need a heart to live.
2. There is a big hole in the wall.
3. We sat at the table for dinner.
4. They have written many books together.
5. You have to pay interest after one year.
6. I bought you a present for your birthday.
7. I would like to win a million dollars.
8. Please lay that picture beside the other one.
9. Are you finished yet?
10. A potato is a root vegetable.
11. In five months it will be her birthday.
12. Your hair feels really soft.
13. Shall we meet again?
14. Are you able to drive?
15. Why do we need to know what syllables are?
16. Please don't sit on the edge of the chair.
17. Winter is one of the four seasons we have .
18. "Yes" is the opposite of "no".
19. There are a lot of trees in the forest.
20. More people should exercise.