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Poetry Exercises


Most Commonly Used Words Exercise 10 Answers
1. They said they would help us with the work.
2. There are four people here today.
3. You can use another piece of paper.
4. This is what an orange looks like.
5. Please be kind to each other.
6. Which way did they go?
7. She is the smartest person in her class.
8. That is how we do things here.
9. He made me dinner last night.
10. Their house is very big.
11. Do you like to drink coffee?
12. If I do the dishes will you clean the bathroom?
13. I will help you with your work.
14. Can you get up on the roof?
15. I want to buy the other one.
16. How about we go to the movies?
17. Are you going out for lunch?
18. We have many good friends.
19. I go to school, go to work and then I go home.
20. The car belongs to them.