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Poetry Exercises


Most Commonly Used Words Exercise 17 Answers
1. That is a large body of water.
2. The sun is hurting my eyes.
3. What mark did you get on your test?
4. She is good at problem solving.
5. I have been waiting since lunch.
6. It is usually very good.
7. I heard what they said.
8. Are you sure it's all right?
9. I saw him walking across the street.
10. Today will be a better day.
11. Four hours have passed by.
12. I've been waiting my whole life for this!
13. The waves in the ocean are beautiful.
14. Do you want to see my rock collection?
15. I will meet you at five p.m.
16. It has happened several times.
17. Do you see a vowel in this word?
18. Just follow the pattern.
19. Everything happened so slowly.
20. The baby pulled my hair.