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Poetry Exercises


Most Commonly Used Words Exercise 24 Answers
1. What speed do you drive your car?
2. I like to sail on the ocean.
3. He smiled at me.
4. My dog was killed last year.
5. There's a hole in the wall.
6. That was a nice surprise!
7. I know exactly what you mean!
8. I couldn't think of anything to do.
9. My chair is made of metal.
10. The storm affected the whole nation.
11. I was caught in the middle of the fight.
12. You can have either an apple or an orange.
13. In case of an emergency, call 911.
14. The pipes are made of lead!
15. Can I have a glass of water with ice?
16. What was the result of the test?
17. I care about my family!
18. I just had a new baby!
19. He likes everything on his pizza.
20. It's hard to get something free.