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Poetry Exercises


Select the correct word from the bracket Exercise 41
1. He works for a very large _______. (we'll/company)
2. Ottawa is the _______ of Canada. (capital/radio)
3. That _____ my work. (isn't/southern)
4. I _______ out three copies. (wouldn't/printed)
5. I would love to travel to ______. (repeated/France)
6. Which _______ does she go to? (agreed/church)
7. Do you know how to read the _____? (prepared/chart)
8. He always buys _____ fruit. (fresh/actually)
9. What size _____ do you wear? (shop/shoes)
10. I think the bird is ____. (sugar/dead)
11. How many people are in the ______? (huge/office)
12. _____ is very sad for some people. (Death/Score)
13. How much __________ do you have? (Washington/experience)
14. The _______ are very healthy. (workers/rose)
15. I ______ my car yesterday. (doesn't/bought)
16. He hopes he will ___ the contest. (win/British)
17. Whose turn is it to ____? (cotton/deal)
18. I need a very long ____. (rope/determine)
19. Did he eat the ______ cake? (entire/conditions)
20. I need to buy some new _____. (tools/effect)