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Poetry Exercises


Select the correct word from the bracket Exercise 43
1. He _______ late for work. (sir/arrived)
2. Our math test required doing some ________. (division/effect)
3. I want a new _____ for my birthday. (we'll/radio)
4. What _____ are you at? (triangle/level)
5. I love my ______ very much! (sister/settled)
6. We both ______ on the decision. (agreed/opposite)
7. We all ________ the meal together. (prepared/pretty)
8. There is a new ____ opening today. (suffix/shop)
9. ________, you were right! (Actually/Fear)
10. Some recipes require a lot of _____. (plural/sugar)
11. I like _______ types of music. (agreed/various)
12. My son is ____ for his age. (gun/huge)
13. What was your final _____? (score/forward)
14. My husband bought me a ____ today. (rose/allow)
15. My mother lives in __________. (Washington/march)
16. Half of her family is _______. (steel/British)
17. My shirt is made of _____. (apple/cotton)
18. We will have ____ with dinner. (corn/cows)
19. Weather __________ are getting bad. (conditions/substances)
20. Does this have any ______ on you? (underline/effect)