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Poetry Exercises


Select the correct word from the bracket Exercise 25
1. There is a 3 dimensional _______ on my computer. (object/am)
2. My daughter is ___ years old. (size/six)
3. Some ________ is very warm. (special/material)
4. I have a new ____ of shoes. (pair/circle)
5. _______ is my first language. (Road/English)
6. Some birds can ___ very high. (gave/fly)
7. Can you please ____? (special/wait)
8. Do you know that ______? (person/became)
9. He is very _______. (verb/strong)
10. I ____ very good today. (fact/feel)
11. She _______ to wear a dress today. (contain/decided)
12. Cows _______ milk. (building/produce)
13. He left me a ____ this morning. (note/nothing)
14. __________ work in laboratories. (Scientists/Inside)
15. I have _____ eyes. (stood/green)
16. She has ____ money than she thought. (less/machine)
17. He _____ there for two hours. (plane/stood)
18. The dog ___ very fast. (ran/round)
19. She uses a lot of _____. (brought/force)
20. I have a ______ name. (common/bring)