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Poetry Exercises

Verb Selection #2

Read the following sentences and decide on the best verb form to complete the sentence.

1. I (walked, am walk, am to walk) to work this morning.

2. The path (is being, will to be, was) very smooth.

3. I (will be to close, will to close, will close) the door.

4. My son (is walking, was walked, has walk) with me.

5. My friend (fall, are falling, fell) down twice.

6. Her daughter and friend (is going to stay, will to stay, are going to stay) until they finish work.

7. We already (will pick, did picked, picked) up our books.

8. You and I (are do, will to do, will do) the same.

9. I'll catch the bus, when school (is to be ending, will be end, ends).

10. Her students (are catching, will be catch, catches) the bus tomorrow morning.
