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Poetry Exercises

Verb Selection #3

Read the following sentences and decide on the best verb form to complete the sentence.

1. Last month I (decided, have decided, was decided) to get into shape.

2. I ( am to be, was going, went) to go swimming three times a week.

3. The first week, I (have exercised, did exercised, exercised) every day.

4. I (felt, did felt, am feel) great.

5. I ( am start, was started, started) to feel very sore.

6. He (was decided, is decided, decided) to stop weightlifting.

7. By the third week, my whole body (are aching, have ached, ached).

8. I (am thinking, thought, have thought) I was going to die.

9. By the fourth week, I (am want, was wanted, wanted) to give up exercises.

10. Now, I (knew, am knowing, know) that exercising is not for me.
