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Poetry Exercises

Story-Michael Ro Sun

My name is Michael Ro Sun. I was born in Seoul, South Korea on September 14, 1975. I came to Canada in 1990 with my parents and 2 brothers and 1 sister. I became a Canadian citizen in 1995. At the present time, I am completing a 2-year course in electronic assembling and testing procedures at St. Claire College in Windsor, Ontario. I will graduate next month and I am now searching for my first job which requires a college education. I am working part-time as a cook at a local Burger Queen restaurant. I have worked there for close to two years. I graduated from Riverfront High School in Windsor two years ago. I was there for 5 years. My major areas of study were math and science. I am living with my family at 2577 Wyandotte Avenue here in Windsor, Ontario. My postal code is P8G 5D2 and my telephone number at home is 885-9802. I am hoping to get a job in the field of electronics testing. I am hoping that my beginning wage will be in the area of $13 an hour.

