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Poetry Exercises

Complete the Form-1a

Complete the applicable information below for a partner in class.

Personal Information

First Name: _________ Family Name:__________ Middle Initial:_______

Date of Birth: ________ Place of Birth: ________________

Marital Status: ___________ Social Insurance Number: _______

Address (Full): ______________________________________________

City of Residence: _____________ Province of Residence: ___________

Sex: _____ Age: ______ Years of Schooling: ____________

Occupation: ___________ Languages Spoken: ________________

Mother Tongue: ____________ Present Employer:______________

Date of Entry in Canada:____________

Place of Entry in Canada:____________

Number of Children:_____ Ages of Children: ____________________

Sex of Children _____________

Names of Children (Surname, Given Name): ____________________

Spousal Information

Name (Surname, Given): _____________Middle Initial: _______

D.O.B.: __________ Birthplace: _____________________________

Occupation: _________ Current Employer: ___________________

Languages Spoken: __________________ Years of Schooling: _________


Complete the Form - 2