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Poetry Exercises

Preposition Review 1

Read the following sentences. Write the correct preposition in the space provided.

Use 'in, on or at' to complete the sentences.

1. I was __ the house when it started to snow.

2. I went to get something to eat __ the store.

3. There were no dirty dishes __ the table.

4. I went home __ lunch time to eat lunch.

5. There was a snowstorm __ Ottawa.

6. The sun came up __ six __ the morning.

7. I sat __ the bench __ the bus stop.

8. My alarm clock started to buzz at six __ the morning.

9. There were two birds sitting __ a tree branch.

10. __ the park the kids ran around and played.

11. There are twelve eggs __ a dozen.

12. The Big Bad Wolf followed Little Red Riding Hood __ the dark path to grandma's.

13. The teacher taught the children __ the classroom.

14. I paid twenty dollars for a day pass __ the fair.

15. I went to eat lunch __ twelve __ the afternoon.