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Poetry Exercises

Preposition Review 2-Answer Sheet

Answers to Preposition Review 2

1. I sat down and watched TV in my house.

2.There was a raccoon digging in my garbage.

3. I made an appointment with the dentist in the morning.

4. It was twelve-thirty in the afternoon when I finished lunch.

5. I took my dog for a walk in the park.

6.There was a black cat in the back alley.

7. The night before garbage day all the people on my street put their garbage on their front lawn.

8. The garbage truck came at seven o'clock in the morning.

9. There wasn't anything good on TV last night.

10. I went to work out at the gym last night.

11. The Black Foot Indians live in the Bad Lands of Alberta.

12. I danced and drummed at many PowWows this summer.

13. I saw two eagles soaring in the sky.

14. The sawmill company cuts down trees in the forest.

15. In Canada there is a lot of beautiful wildlife.