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Poetry Exercises

Homophone Challenge - Exercise 2  Answer Sheet

1. Can you grate some cheese for the pizza?
2. I was really bored today.
3. The sun is very hot today.
4. That sheep has thick fur.
5. Can you come here for a second?
6. May I see your gold chain?
7. I was playing with eight kids yesterday.
8. Do you like meat?
9. Why does that dog have no tail?
10. We're having steak tonight.
11. I bought some new clothes today.
12. May I have some?
13. Last night I dreamed about you.
14. Can you give me the serial number of your locker?
15. The doctor has many patients.
16. I have been everywhere in Canada.
17. This is not my bicycle.
18. That miner over there dug up lots of gold.
19. My father told me he fought in the war.
20. How much do I owe you?
21. But, you promised me.
22. Don't shoot that bird.
23. Can you write me a cheque by tomorrow?
24. Is this your book?
25. The lights in the hall are broken.