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Poetry Exercises

Homophone Challenges - Introduction 1

The words: to, too, and two sound the same but they have different meanings.

to     -   towards something
too   -   more than enough
two  -   the number 2

Fill in the blanks with either to, too or two.

          The other day I went (1)_________ the supermarket.  While I was there I bought some sugar and (2)_________ large bags of milk.  I went (3)_________ the checkout counter (4)_________ pay for the goods and put the milk and sugar into a paper bag.  As I was leaving the store the bag broke open because it was (5)_________ heavy.  (6)_________ cashiers ran over (7)_________ help me but it was (8)_________ late.  The milk and sugar slipped through the hole in the bottom of the bag and crashed onto the floor.  Customers in the checkout line tried (9)_________help but there was nothing  they could do.  The store manager came over (10)_________ talk (11)_________ me and explained that the paper bags that are made now are (12)_________ thin (13)_________ use for heavy items.  He said it was a good idea (14)_________ double bag the groceries.  Now when I go (15)_________ the supermarket and bag my groceries, I am always sure (16)____ use two bags instead of one just (17)_________ be safe.