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Charles Chapman

Lake Superior Lake Superior (1879), watercolor on paper, 21.2 x 36.5 cm., gift of Mr. S. Azoory, North York, 1997
Thames River Thames River (1882), oil on canvas, 59.8 x 120.8 cm., gift of Mrs. Marjorie Blackburn, London, 1987
Charles Chapman (1827-1887) was born in Norfolk, England and died at London, Ontario. He received his early training at the local Norfolk Grammar School which also included his first art instruction in drawing and watercolour. As a young man, he left England, settled in New York where he learned the craft of book binding and came to the new city of London in 1855 to establish his own business. Chapman was another key player in the local art scene: he was an art teacher at Hellmuth Ladies College, sat on the Management Committee of the Mechanics Institute and was a founder and supporter of the Western School of Art and Design. His principal interest was landscape subjects, usually executed in oil or watercolour following the traditional British fashions.
