The Gallery Shop: Operated by the Volunteer Committee, the Gallery Shop offers a selection of the finest work of Canadian artists and artisans. The shop is open Tuesday through Saturday from 12 noon to 5:00 pm and Sundays from 1:00 to 5:00 pm. LRAHM members receive a 10% discount on any purchase. |
Art Rental and Sales Gallery:
The Art Rental and Sales Gallery is operated by the Volunteer Committee and displays works of art which may be rented or purchased by anyone in the London area. LRAHM members receive a 10% discount.
 The Gallery Cafe:
The Gallery Cafe offers fine food and a sweeping view of the Forks of the Thames River and is open Tuesday through Sunday from 11:30 to 2:30 pm. Beer and wine are available. |
Memberships provide major funding for LRAHM and members enjoy many special benefits including discounts on all gallery programs, free admission to Eldon House and private tours for members. Membership forms are available at the Information Desk. For information please contact Janice Lopes, Membership Coordinator at |
Eldon House
Walk a half-block north on Ridout Street and visit London's oldest surviving residence, Eldon House. Built in 1834 for John and Amelia Harris, Eldon House remained in the Harris family for four successive generations. Virtually unchanged since the last century, this historic home contains family heirlooms, furnishings and priceless treasures of the Harris family as well as a re-created 19th century garden. Once a centre of social life in early 19th century London, Eldon House remains a charming reflection of the city's past.
Located at 481 Ridout Street North, Eldon House is operated by LRAHM and is open the same hours. Free admission on Tuesdays and Sundays: other days a nominal fee is charged. Group tours can be booked by calling 672-4580, ext 265. Each June an old-fashioned garden party is held on the grounds; during the summer months, traditional teas are served in the afternoon. For further information please contact |