The History of Lumby:
From Grassroots to Treetops

was brought to the Schoolnet Digital Collections Website by

  • Inge van Oostveen
  • Bob Bayer
  • Sandy Hertel
  • James Specht

This project would not have been possible without the extremely valuable and generous consent of the Lumby Historical Society and Lumby Historians, whose History of Lumby books are an invaluable resource to anyone interested in the development of the Whitevalley area.

Other reference materials include:

Bright Sunshine and a Brand New Country - Recollections of the Okanagan Valley 1890-1914
Compiled and Edited by David Mitchell and Dennis DuffySound Heritage Volume VIII, Number 3. Province of British Columbia 1979

An Early History of Coldstream and Lavington
Anne Pearson
1986 ISBN 0-9692781-0-1

The History of Vernon 1867-1937
Edna Oran
Wayside Press, Vernon BC

We would also like to thank the Whitevalley Community Resource Centre and specifically, Mr. Harry Adam, principal of JW Inglis Elementary School in Lumby, for his vision, dedication and foresight in developing a Digital Collections project for Lumby, as well as his incredible activism and stamina in bringing the Internet and Internet-related opportunities to Lumby - "In Lumby, For Lumby, By Lumby!"


The History of Lumby


This Digital Collection was produced under contract to the SchoolNet Digital Collections program, Industry Canada.


Collections numerisees de Rescol / SchoolNet Digital Collections