Education, Ethnicity and Racism:
A European-Canadian Perspective.
By: Chris Bagley
From: Currents Fall 1984 pp.8-12
© 1984 Urban Alliance on Race Relations
Introduction: European-Canadian Comparisons
Only in the 1950s did Canada develop an ideology of race and ethnic relations
which was distinctly different from that of the white, Protestant English
speaking group which had dominated the Empire for a century.1 Change took
place because of new patterns of migration; the assertion of power by migrant
groups from Southern and Eastern Europe and Ireland; and through the assertion
of Francophone consciousness. Today Canada in its multicultural policies
is a dramatically changed society, unique in its policies which coincide
with (but which have not created) a society in which racism's impact seem,
on the face of thing, less dramatic than in many other ethnically mixed
European comparisons make these Canadian developments seem even more interesting.
For example, at one time Dutch race relations were regarded as the prime
example of good practice: a very large number of ethnically dfflerent refugees
from Indonesia had been successfully absorbed in the Dutch plural society,
as had other minorities.2 Yet in only a decade race and ethnic relations
in the Netherlands deteriorated dramatically as large numbers of black Dutchmen
arrived from Surinam and the Antilles, and the bonds of pluralism, coincidentally,
began to crumble. The result has been the development of an alienated, despairing
and rebellious black youth culture which could not be accommodated in Dutch
The Dutch situation and its deterioration is worth stressing for it illustrates
how a seemingly racist culture (as in the Canadian case) or a non racist
(as in the Dutch case) can change rapidly in relation to structural factors
independently of policy formation and action by governments. Hubert Campfens
of Wilfred Laurier University
illustrates this in his important comparative study of the "integration
of ethno-cultural minorities" in Canada and the Netherlands.4 In his
conclusion, Campfens points to an interesting paradox. Despite a strong
tradition of central and local government involvement in everyday affairs,
Dutch public policy has played a relatively small part in assisting the
integration of minorities. Yet in Canada, which lacks a tradition of strong
government involvement (within a laissez faire, capitalist mode) both federal
and provincial levels of government have taken significant initiatives to
foster elements of cultural autonomy through both policy and fiscal support.
The reasons for Dutch inaction are related to moral confusion in a declining
capitalist society in which the structural cement provided by religious
bonds has decayed. The ground for Canadian action can be traced to self-interest
- a desire to palliate potentially disruptive minorities following radical
accommodations to Francophone interest and to the desire to incorporate
minorities into a healthy capitalist economy. Canadian multicultural policy
has developed in ways which obscure the lines of class and economic exploitation
within a complex and seemingly attractive mosaic of vertical rather than
horizontal stratification.5 Paradoxically too the accommodation of the cultural
aspirations of diverse ethnic groups in Canada seems to be paralleled by
a decline in ethnic commitment, as evidenced by an increase in inter-racial,
inter-ethnic and inter-religious marriage.6
In truth, Canadian ethnic policies work because the population has been
highly selected in terms of its commitment to the social relations required
by capitalism. Canada is generally liberal in its treatment of the aspirations
of ethnic and cultural minorities, but is racist in its policies towards
"illegal" citizens.7 Moreover, one ethnic group - the aboriginal
peoples - are rigidly excluded from this multicultural policy, since Native
cultural aspirations are fundamentally threatening to the capitalist aspirations
of the white settlers, and those they have chosen to assist them in the
exploitation of Canada's resources.8
For legal immigrants to Canada, committed to economic advancement within
a capitalist frame work, Canadian social structure offers many advantages.
In this, Canada differs profoundly from Britain, where ethnic minorities
are treated with discrimination rather than accommodation, despite their
assimilationist aspirations.
In Britain, and to some extent in the Netherlands the frustration of legitimate
aspirations of ethnic minority groups by a racist social structure has led
to profound states of alienation.9 We can best illustrate this by the comparative
study by the Jamaican social geographer, Elizabeth Thomas-Hope.10 Thomas-Hope
compared the adjustment and satisfaction with achieving the goals of migration
of similar groups of Caribbean migrants to Britain, Canada and the United
States. She interviewed several hundred Caribbean respondents in London
and other centres in U.K.; in New York, Hartford and Boston in the U.S.;
and in Toronto and Hamilton in Canada. The highest levels of satisfaction
with achieving the goals of migration were reported by West Indians in the
U.S. centres, closely followed by those in Canada; but levels of satisfaction
were dramatically lower in respondents in the U.K.
The goals of migration were quite simple: to advance occupationally and
materially, and to achieve both for themselves and their children. These
goals were most easily met in Canada and the U.S. which are"open"
capitalist societies, used to accommodating the upwardly mobile aspirations
of migrants in largely non-racist ways. Britain has no such tradition, and
continues to discriminate against black people in jobs, housing schools
and colleges The racism of the blue collar and many white collar segments
hn Britain is profound and deeprooted, and British people have still not
accepted the reality that a significant minority of the British population
consists of the previously exploited colonial peoples, who now have the
affrontery to compete directly with the indigenous population in the job
and housing market.11 This discrimination extends to the second and third
generation of Caribbean settlers in Britain, in profound contrast to the
United States (and to some extent Canada) where second generation Caribbean
migrants are largely absorbed into the black middle class, from whom they
are indistinguishable.
In Britain, alienation and the knowledge that educational achievement is
unlikely to bring success has led to two contrasted outcomes for minority
youth. On the one hand, significant sectors of black youth have retreated
from educational goals, and are labelled as "deviant" by teachers
and the educational system;12 on the other hand, significant numbers of
Asian youth have become ritualistically attached to education and enroll
in yet further courses to postpone the ultimate (and usually unsucessful)
job search.13
At an official level, British policy has passed through a variety of phases.
The first phase (beginning around 1960) involved an unsuccessful assimilationist
policy coupled with harsh immigration restrictions which specifically discriminated
against people of colour and kept families divided, through a rigid immigration
system. The second phase (since 1970) made the immigration system still
harsher, but began to develop a "multicultural" policy which involved
a limited and largely ineffective palliative directed to the accommodation
of minority aspirations.14 But the central problems of racism and racial
discrimination have not been addressed in British society, and with the
advent of massive structural unemployment problems of racism have become
significantly worse.15 The facile use of the terms "multiculturalism"
and "pluralism" have ignored the gross imbalances of power between
ethnic groups. A description of the separateness of ethnic groups as a plural
condition without reference to imbalances of power is to mask the racism
inherent in such a situation: the most extreme example of this is the South
African case,16 but the separation and gross equality of aboriginal people
in Canada comes uncomfortably close in similarity. We have recently proposed
the concept of "interculturalism" rather than "multiculturalism"
to accommodate this problem (taking due account of problems of power imbalance).17
We have become profoundly dissatisfied with the trivialization of the idea
of multiculturalism by many British educational writers and practitioners:
"multicultural education" has become for many a synonym for minor
curriculum accommodations to the needs of some ethnic groups, without beginning
to address the problems of racism, and the need to educate all ethnic groups
(including whites) for intercultural living in a non-exploitive world.
The Canadian Experience
We have argued that marked differences in the emerging social structure
of Canada have meant that problems of race and ethnic relations are generally
not so profound (or rather are different) from those observed in a number
of European countries.
Canada, as a successful capitalist economy has an openness in its accommodation
of immigrants (including ethnic minorities) who have been specially selected
for their combination of professional experience, education, youth, linguistic
ability, and their willingness to fit in with a social structure based on
individuality and individual enterprise.18
Educational institutions in Canada, as the servants of the economy, generally
socialize ethnic minorities, without overt discrimination, to undertake
successful roles in a free enterprise system. Such a process of selection
through careful immigration, education, socialization, and training for
successful participation in a capitalist society has served the needs of
the selected immigrants well, but it is not in an absolute sense fair or
unbiased. The Canadian system leaves unchallenged the world's most profound
system of stratification, that between rich and poor countries.19 Recruiting
certain of the educated class from countries of Asia and the Caribbean is,
for Canada a policy of self-interest, not of enlightenment. The recruitment
of Vietnamese refugees is a case in point. Canada smartly entered the camps,
and recruited younger, healthy, educated people who spoke French or English
Canada's "generous" quota of immigrants was rapidly filled.
The ideologies of Canadian social structure are implicit rather than explicit.
The ruthless self-interest of Canadian capitalism is rarely discussed, and
multicultural and immigration policies are either rarely analyzed, or are
seen as autonomous and even enlightened aspects of policy development, without
reference to their wider economic and social policy connections. Coy phrases
such as "visible minorities" replace the harsher British emphasis
on "racial minorities". Yet the question of who is a "visible
minority" remains undefined and undiscussed in Canada. Is one a visible
minority because of the possession of non Anglo-Celtish sumame? If not,
why not? Does minority status depend on the accuracy with which the average
Canadian can pick you out in a crowd? Are children of mixed parentage "visible
minorities"? If "visible minority" is a synonym for being
black, why not say so?
Other issues fail to reach the multicultural agenda in Canada. We have little
data on the educational achievement of ethnic minority students in Canada.
The writer has been unsuccessful, for example, in persuading School Boards
to identify students by ethnicity in a comparative study of self-concept
and achievement.20 The nature, extent and social and psychological correlates
of prejudiced beliefs in young people, and the extent of which these might
be changed by curriculum methods of school organization is largely unexplored
in Canada.21 And we have no reliable or valid data on discrimination against
ethnic minorities in Canada.22
The most perplexing issue which is not on the agenda of Canadian ethnic
relations is the massive exploitation of the conquered aboriginal nations,23
the denigration and suppression of their culture, and an oppressive educational
system which fails to address the cultural, affective or cognitive needs
of Indian and Metis children.24
In sum, Canada has apparently been relatively successful in absorbing certain
highly selected immigrant groups whose aspirations fit in with the goals
of a capitalist society, oriented to the fulfillment of individual needs
for material advancement. However, full evidence to evaluate this proposition
is lacking, largely because fundamental research and policy questions are
not posed. Such radical questions, about Canadian ideologies on ethnicity,
the exclusion of poor people from Canada, and the continued colonial exploitation
of a dominated and excluded people within Canada, are not asked. The failure
to ask these questions, we suggest, is an ideological matter, and relates
to the presently unmasked nature of Canada's capitalist institutions. This
silent ideological agenda may account too for the imprecise nature of multicultural
policy in Canada, and the vagueness of official terms used to describe minority
The aggressive and exploitive nature of settlement in Canada has been to
the profound advantage of the white settlers, and the non-white minorities
absorbed, through "multiculturalism", into the exploiting class.
The exploitation of the
land and natural resources has been to profound disadvantage of the original
inhabitants: their exclusion from both prosperity and autonomy, the denial
of their land claims, and a continuation both directly and indirectly of
a policy of cultural genocide against the aboriginal people is in our view
the major but unaddressed issue in Canadian "race relations".
It is no accident that the Ministry of Multiculturalism has no concern with,
or responsibility to support aboriginal culture.
Chris Bagley is Professor of Child Welfare at the University
of Calgary
1. H. Palmer "Pattems of Prejudice: A History of Nativism in Alberta."
Toronto: McLelland and Stewart, 1982.
2. C. Bagley "The Dutch Plural Society: A Comparative Study in Race
Relations." London: Oxford University Press, 1973.
3. C. Bagley "Dutch social structure and the alienation of black youth,"
in C. Bagley
and G. Verma (Eds) "Multicultural Childhood: Education, Ethnicity and
Styles." Aldershot, U.K: Gower Press, 1983.
4. H. Campfens "The Integration of Ethno-Cultural Minorities: A Pluralist
Approach - The Netherlands and Canada: A Comparative Analysis of Policy
and Programs."
The Hague: Govemment Publishing Office for the Ministry of Culture and Social
Welfare, 1980.
5. K. Moodley, "Canadian ethnicity in comparative perspective,"
in J. Dahlie and T. Femando (Eds) "Ethnicity, Power and Politics in
Canada." Toronto: Methuen, 1981.
6. C. Bagley, "Inter-ethnic marriage in Britain and the United States
from 1970-1977," "Sage Race Relations Abstracts," 4, 1-22.
7. An example: in Fall of 1983 police assisting immigration officers surrounded
a black church in Calgary and checked all those leaving the service. Those
who could not prove legal Canadian residence were detained, and six people
were deported to the Caribbean without appeal This incident, presumably
a typical day in the life of the immigration police, was ignored by the
local press. TheCanadian government treats "illegal" people as
harshly as any fascist govemment.
8. C. Bagley "Social policy in the Prairies to 2003: The future of
the family, the plight of Native children, and the universal social wage,"
Paper given to Canadian Institute of Planners Conference: Life in the Canadian
Prairies to the year 2003. Regina, Saskatchewan, October, 1983.
9. C. Bagley, "Sequels of alienation: a social psychological view of
the adaptation of West Indian migrants in Britain," in K. Glaser (Ed).
"Case Studies in Human Righls and Fundamental Freedoms," Vol.11,
The Hague: Nijhoff.
10. E.Thomas-Hope, "Identity and adaptation of migrants from the English-speaking
Caribbean in Britain and North America," in G. Verma and C. Bagley
(Eds) "Self-Concept, Achievement and Multicultural Education."
London: MacMillan, 1982.
11. C. Bagley, G. Verma, K. Mallick and L. Young, "Personality, Self-Esteem
and Prejudice." Farnborough, U.K: Saxon House, 1979; and C. Bagley
and G.
Verma, "Racial Prejudice: The Individual and Society." Farnborough,
U.K: Saxon
House, 1979.
12. C. Bagley, "The background of deviance in black children in London,"
in G. Verma and C. Bagley (Eds) "Race and Education Across Cultures."
London: Heinemann; and C. Bagley, "Achievement, behaviour disorder
and social circumstances in West Indian children and other ethnic groups,"
in G. Verma and C. Bagley (Eds) "Self-Concept, Achievement and Multicultural
Education." London: MacMillan, 1982.
13. G. Verma, K. Mallick and B. Ashworth, "The role of attitude and
experience in the transition from school to work in young South Asians in
Britain," in C. Bagley and G. Verma (Eds) "Multicultural Childhood:
Education, Ethnicity and Cognitive
Styles." Aldershot, U.K: Gower Press.
14. We offer commentary and prescription for these various changes in the
introductory chapters in: G. Verma and C. Bagley (Eds) "Race and Education
Across Cultures." London: Heinemann, 1975; G. Verma and C. Bagley
(Eds) "Self-Concept, Achievement and Multicultural Education."
London: MacMillan, 1982; C. Bagley and G. Verma (Eds) "Multicultural
Childhood." Aldershot, U.K: Gower Press, 1983: and G. Verma and C.
Bagley (Eds) "Race Relations and Cultural Differences." London:
Croom Helm, 1984.
15. G. Verma, "Consciousness, disadvantage and opportunity: the struggle
for South asian in British society," in C. Bagley and G. Verma (Eds)
"Multicultural Childhood." Aldershot, U.K: Gower Press,1983;
and C. Brown, "Black and White in Britain: The Third PSI Survey."
London: Heinemann for the Policy Studies Institute, 1984.
16. C. Bagley, "Pluralism, development and social conflict in Africa,"
"Plural Societies," 1972, 3, 13-32.
17. In the introduction to G. Verma and C. Bagley (Eds) "Race Relations
and Cultural Differences." London: Croom Helm, 1984. Compare this with
the interesting paper by Inez Elliston, "Multicultural centres: a focus
for intercultural education," in R.Samuda et. al. (Eds) "Multuculturalism
in Canada." Toronto: Allyn and Bacon, 1984.
18. A personal example may not be entirely trivial. When the writer applied
to the
Canadian High Commission in London for the status of landed immigrant, he
told by an immigration ''counsellor'': "You may have a job to go to,
but that doesn't
mean we're going to accept you. We want to make sure you're the kind of
we want in Canada." The subsequent interview and further documentation
was directed to establishing whether the writer was or had been a communist
radical trade union activist, and the degree to which he was likely to engage
radical activity in Canada.
19. We develop this theme of intemational stratification more fully in:
C. Bagley, "Social policy and development: The case of child welfare,
health and nutritional services in India," "Plural Societies,"
1979, 10, 3-26.
20. The results of this study of some 1500 junior high school students is
consistent with the picture of Canada we have sketched: Canadian students
have significantly
better self-concept than British students. In Canada, achievement and self-concept
were largely unrelated. However, poor achievement was a significant determinant
of poor self-esteem in the British students, reflecting a school system
which is
highly stratified in terms of social class and ethnicity. See C. Bagley
and G. Verma,
"Self-concept and long-term effects of teaching about race relations
in British
schools," in G. Verma and C. Bagley (Eds) "Self-Concept, Achievement
Multicultural Education." London: MacMillan, 1982; and C. Bagley and
G. Verma
(Eds) "The Cross-Cultural Imperative:" London: MacMillan,1985.
21. The extent of Canadian knowledge in this field is ably summarized in
the chapters by Berry, Kalin, Ijaz, Kehoe and Pratt in R. Samuda, J. Berry
and M. Laferriere (Eds) "Multiculturalism in Canada: Social and Educational
Toronto: Allyn and Bacon, 1984.
22. N. Buchignani "Social science research on South Asians in Canada"
Paper given
to the State of the A rt Symposium, Centre for South Asian Studies, University
Toronto, January 1983 and published in the proceedings of that symposium.
that an earlier study has pointed to "considerable discrimination"
against blacks in
Hamilton, Ontario - F. Henry, "The measurement of perceived discrimination:
Canadian case study," "Race," 1969, 10, 449-461. The continued
extent of that
discrimination is unknown. The only other relevant study has used indirect
than direct methods to assess amounts of discrimination. See G. Reitz, "Ethnic
Inequality and Segragation in Jobs." Toronto: Centre for Urban and
studies, 1981.
23. For an account of the cultural oppression of Native children through
the social
service system see B. Morse, "Native Indian and Metis children in Canada:
of the child welfare system," in G. Verma and C. Bagley (Eds) "Race
Relations and
Cultural Differences: Educational and Interpersonal Perspectives."
New York: St
Martin's Press, 1984. On the thesis that the economic and health conditions
aboriginal people in Canada are worse than those of many people in the Third
World, see C. Bagley, "The state of the world's children," "Canadian
1984, 9, 10-15.
24. We have argued that in general, the coincidence of cognitive style and
ethnicity is
not strong enough to justify special programs addressed to the cognitive
needs of
minorities - C. Bagley, "Cultural diversity migration and cognitive
styles: a study of
British, Japanese, Jamaican and Indian children," in R. Samuda et.
al. (Eds)
"Multiculturalism in Canada." Toronto: Allyn and Bacon, 1984.
However, more
recent work on cognitive styles with children of the Blackfoot Nation in
Alberta leads us to propose that a culturally and cognitively relevant educational
system, under the control of Blackfoot people themselves, is needed - C.
and G. Verma (Eds) "The Cross-Cultural Imperative: Studies of Personality,
Behaviour and Cognition." London: MacMillan, 1985.
25. See N. Buchignani "Culture or identity? Addressing ethnicity in
education," "McGill Journal of Education," 1980,15 79-93;
and K. Moodley, "Canadian Multiculturalism as ideology," "Ethnic
and Racial Studies," 1983, 6, 1-12.
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