Elder's Circle
Anita Bernard's Story
Anita remembers a couple of stories told to her when she was younger.
When the solar eclipse used to happen, people believed that the moon was sick and to get the moon over it’s sickness, elders had to offer something to the moon and as more people offered things to the moon, it got over it’s sickness. At this time people didn’t know it was a solar eclipse.

On Remembrance Day she was told that if you were quiet and listened, you would hear songs being sung by the men who went to war.  As she grew up she figured that maybe what people were hearing must have been coming from across the river and not the actual men of war singing.

 Below is a collection of stories from a few of our elders in the community.
John Henry Bernard
Anita Bernard
Hubert Sark
Christine Bernard
Charlie Sark
Donnie Labobe
[Elder's & Youth Circle]
[Elder's Circle] [Youth Circle]

Created: July 5, 1999
Copyright ©1999 Lennox Island Learning Centre
Updated: October 13, 1999