Elder's Circle
Hubert Sark's Story
Hubert Sark Sr. was born in 1944 and raised on Lennox Island, Prince Edward Island.   Hubert grew up on his father’s farm on Lennox Island with his family.  On the farm they had milking cows, horses, chickens, and roosters. They also grew potatoes which they sold within the community.  Hubert remembers one rooster very well.  Every day this rooster chased him to school!

Here is a short story from Hubert:
One day on his father’s farm, one of the cows was eating grass around an apple orchard when all of a sudden the cow ate a big apple and started to choke.  His father was very nervous and didn’t know what to do. There was a wooden sled on the side of the barn so his father grabbed a stick from the sled and hit the cow on the back side.  The apple came flying out of the cow’s mouth.

According to Hubert; “a good milking cow used to milk out two buckets of milk a day.”

Below is a collection of stories from a few of our elders in the community.
John Henry Bernard
Anita Bernard
Hubert Sark
Christine Bernard
Charlie Sark
Donnie Labobe
[Elder's & Youth Circle]
[Elder's Circle] [Youth Circle]

Created: July 5, 1999
Copyright ©1999 Lennox Island Learning Centre
Updated: October 13, 1999