
The Robertson II served with the Sail and Life Training Society (S.A.L.T.S.), which teaches seamanship skills, for many years. Built in Nova Scotia and launched in 1940, this vessel is one of the last vessels built in the style of the Grand Banks fishing schooners. Active around Lockerport until it was sold in 1974 to be used in the S.A.L.T.S. program, the Robertson II received a few modifications after it arrived in Victoria, so that it could be adaptable to the program's needs. The vessel was recently retired from S.A.L.T.S. service but a replica of the Robertson II is under construction at the S.A.L.T.S. Heritage Shipyard in the harbour.
Robertson II
Robertson II day sail out of Victoria June 26 , 1995
mmbc collection

Pacific Swift
Pacific Swift
mmbc collection
The Pacific Swift is a square topsail schooner that was built by S.A.L.T.S. for Vancouver's Expo 86, where it was presented as a working exhibit. Based on an older vessel, the brig Swift (1778), the Pacific Swift was specially designed for coastal and offs hore programs. By following the ship design and sailing techniques of older vessels such as the Swift, groups such as S.A.L.T.S. help preserve our fascinating maritime heritage.

For more information regarding these vessels and the programs at S.A.L.T.S. please contact the S.A.L.T.S. society at:

Robertson II
The Robertson II
Sail and Life Training Society
Box 5014, Station B
Victoria, BC V8R 6N3
Phone (604) 383-6811
Fax (604) 383-7781
Pacific Swift
The Pacific Swift


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