Welcome to the
Virtual Maritime Museum
This web site was produced under contract
to Industry Canada as part of the
SchoolNet Digital Collections Program
Site Abstract: This site illustrates much of the early history of the Pacific Northwest. Populated with images from the museum's collection, we have focused on three major themes: Adventure, Exploration and Commerce.

Adventure centers on single handed circumnavigation. Find out about the voyages of Captain Joshua Slocum or Captain John Voss. Also in the vein of adventure, you can learn about the history of the Swiftsure Classic yachting race.

Exploration takes the user on a voyage back to the early days of world exploration. We have compiled a number of examples of early sailing ships from the museum's extensive model collection. The Northwest Coast has a rich history of European exploration. You can examine a biography of some fourteen explorers who visited the area and what life was like on board the ships. We have also included images from the artists who traveled with Captain Cook and Captains Valdes and Galiano. Finally we examine first contact with the First Nations on the Northwest Coast from both Cook's and the First Nations' point of view.

Commerce begins with a look at the inception of the fur trade and continues with a discussion of the role of the Hudson's Bay Company. See time lapse versions of some of the historic sites in Victoria such as the building of the Empress Hotel. As well learn about some of the businesses that shaped the development of modern Victoria.


Enjoy your visit!
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© 1996, Maritime Museum of British Columbia
Last modified: Friday October 18 1996