
Mercer Union 1979, 29 Mercer St.

1979 Mercer Union Mandate and Statement of Intent:

MERCER UNION, a non-profit artist-run gallery for contemporary art, is a response to the complex situation in which today's artist must act.

Ten years ago, Canada's first parallel galleries were founded by artists seeking an alternative to the system of public and commercial galleries. Within the past year, a radical re-evaluation of these organizations has been undertaken by both the funding agencies which support them and the artists and audiences whom they are intended to serve. As a result, Toronto has recently experienced dramatic changes in its parallel art support structure - among them, the closing by CEAC and A SPACE of their established downtown spaces, and with the publication of this proposal, the departure from A.C.T. of half its membership.

These events occur at a time when 'visual art' has come to include aspects of theatre, television, photography, film, music, dance, publishing, politics, and craft. With the spread of energy and money into this broad range of disciplines, there is a danger that the present period of change may leave Toronto's artists' system lacking an essential component. Toronto does not have, has never had, and desperately needs, an artists' organization dedicated to the exposition of new work in the most advanced forms of painting and sculpture.

The aim and policy of MERCER UNION will be to present the highest quality of art activity, with a continuous exhibition schedule of 12 to 15 shows per year. The core members of MERCER UNION do not constitute a 'stable' of artists, rather a rotating curatorial committee will choose a healthy ratio of local, regional, national and international exhibitions.

MERCER UNION will present a varied programme of one person, two person, and group exhibitions by Toronto artists, which will be interspersed with curated 'concept' and invitational exhibitions of work from across Canada. The local programme will be complemented by a vigorous exchange programme exhibiting works by similar 'artist-run' centres across North America and Europe, which will also provide opportunities for Toronto artists to be seen outside of Canada. Personal contacts have already been established with "Optica" in Montreal, "NAME Gallery" in Chicago, "Nexus" in Philidelphia, "LAICA" in Los Angeles, and "Kunstlerhaus" in Hamburg, Germany. By working in collaboration with existing artist organizations in Toronto, the exhibition programme will be supplemented with performances, video installations and other interdisciplinary activities.

Photo by Peter MacCullum


1980 * 1981 * 1982 * 1983 * 1984 * 1985 * 1986 * 1987 * 1988 * 1989 * 1990 * 1991 * 1992 * 1993 * 1994 * 1995 * MAIN INDEX * ARTIST INDEX

Mercer Union maintains a website at http://www.interlog.com/~mercer. Go there to find out about current programming, special projects, and further information about the gallery. If you've come to the archives from the Mercer Union site, click here to get back. Comments and inquiries: mercer@interlog.com

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