
Commercial Fishing

Fishing has provided sustenance to the people of coastal British Columbia through the ages. With the arrival of Europeans in the 19th century, the harvesting of fish, particularly salmon, became an industry as well as a food source. Specialized methods suited to the species of fish and the characteristics of coastal areas were soon developed. For a few short months every year, quiet inlets and waterways came alive with bustling communities at the many cannery operations that dotted the B.C. coast in the early 1900s.



Blind Channel Cannery.
Quathiaski Canning Co. buildings,Quathiaski Cove, Quadra Island.
View of Quathiaski Canning Co. fishing fleet at
Quathiaski Cove, c. 1912.
View of the Quathiaski Canning Co. operations, Quathiaski Cove, Quadra Island, c. 1914.
Seine boats tied up at Quathiaski Canning Co. wharf,
Quathiaski Cove, Quadra Island, c.1912
Commercial fishing boat (troller)
The Knox leaving Granite Bay, c. 1924.
Quathiaski Canning Co. seiner the Quathiaski #6, c.1920
View of Quathiaski Cove showing Quathaski Canning Co. cannery, c. 1912.
Seine boats tied up at Quathiaski Canning Co. wharf, Quathiaski Cove, Quadra Island.