Project description

Pointe-à-Callière, the Montréal Museum of Archaeology and History, offers a collection of m ore than 300 images taken from old documents: L'Opinion publique, a weekly published in Montréal from 1870 to 1883, Art work on Montreal, Canada and Montreal illustrated 1894. Its growth, resources, commerce, manufacturing int erests, published in 1898 and 1894, respectively. These three illustrated works are part of the Pointe-à-Callière collection.

As the title "Images of Montréal, Canadian Metropolis 1872-1898" indicates, the majority of the digital images show Montréal at the end of the 19th century, when it was the largest city in Canada. To learn more about the history of Montreal.

By calling up this collection of images on the Internet, through Schoo lNet, young and (not-so-young) Internauts have access to a bank of pictures from long ago that depict Montréal's past. This image bank is not designed for specialists, but rather invites users to explore by selecting a theme (religion / masses and funerals, transportation / trains, etc.) and calling up various pictures that illustrate the theme.


Each of the 300 images has been c lassified under one or more themes, based on the caption accompanying the image in the original document and the subject(s) illustrated. For example, the image published with the caption: "Montréal - Mr Andrew Allan's greenhouses, on the mountain" has been classified under the theme of "recreation / exhibitions," and also under the theme of "architecture / interiors."

To view the images, select a theme, then a sub-theme. Thumbnail versions of the images matching your selection will be displ ayed on a single page. They have been recentred around a detail to improve image clarity. Click on any of these thumbnail images to display the full image.

Navigation buttons have also been provided on each page to make it easy to return to the pr evious page or to the main menu to select another theme.

The caption accompanying the image in the original document, the translated caption and the name of the original document are displayed under each full-size image.

Implementation Team

"Images of Montréal, Canadian Metropolis 1872-1898" was produced by Pointe-à-Callière, the Montréal Museum of Archae ology and History. The project was conducted under the supervision of Francine Côté, documentalist, with the co-operation of François Beauchamp, graphic artist and designer.

This Web site was designed in partnership with the &E acute;cole de bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l'information (EBSI) of the Université de Montréal. James Turner, an EBSI professor, acted as the consultant on image collections. During the summer of 1996, Valérie Simard, a m aster's student in the EBSI, catalogued, indexed and digitized the images and create the Web site.

This production received financial assistance from Industry Canada under the SchoolNet Digital Collections Program.

Pointe-à-Call ière
Montréal Museum of Archaeology and History
350 Place Royale
Montréal, Québec
H2Y 3Y5

Tel.: (514) 872-9150
Fax: (514) 872-9151

History of Montreal

Some bibliographical sources

  • Linteau, Paul-André. "Montreal City of Pride". Horizon Canada : the new way to discover the history of Canada. Published by Centre for the Study of Teaching Canada. Saint-Laurent : Éditions TransMo, 1984-1987. Volume 1, p. 86 à 91.

  • Linteau, Paul-André. Histoire de Montréal depuis la Confédération. Montreal: Bor&e acute;al, 1992, 613 p.

  • Marsan, Jean-Claude. Montréal in evolution : historical analysis of the development of Montréal's architecture and urban environment. Montréal : McGill-Queen's University Press, 1981. 456 p.

  • Robert, Jean-Claude. Atlas historique de Montréal. Art Global et Libre Expression, 1994, 167 p.

    Some Web resources

  • List of Canadian historical resources, distributed through SchoolNet

  • List of Québec and Canadian historical resources produced by Yves Otis, student in the department of history , Université de Montréal