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Credits and Acknowledgements

arrowhead.gif (1335 bytes) Honour Roll Listings
arrowhead.gif (1335 bytes) Gallery of Photos
arrowhead.gif (1335 bytes) Memorial Sites for Native Veterans
arrowhead.gif (1335 bytes) Veterans
arrowhead.gif (1335 bytes) History of Native Veterans
arrowhead.gif (1335 bytes) Links to other Native Veterans Sites
arrowhead.gif (1335 bytes) Treaty Areas of NWO
arrowhead.gif (1335 bytes) Glossary of Terms and Phrases
arrowhead.gif (1335 bytes) Articles on Native Veterans
arrowhead.gif (1335 bytes) Thanks to those who have helped us
The Digitization Team consists of these Four Members:

Each of us has our own page so take a look and get to know us better.

Beverley Alto: Graphics Design, Digitization Lead, Web Gallery Designer
Greg Quachegan: Researcher, Contact, Web Contributions
Owen Zoccole: Researcher/ Writer, Artist, Web Contributions
Stan Alto: Team Leader, Editor, Webmaster
David-Michael Thompson: Research Developer & Pro ject Manager
Brian Walmark: Project Consultant

This project could not have come into existence without the help of a lot of very important people.

Thanks to everyone who aided this project in any way, we all appreciate it. We would all like to thank each and every Native Veteran that served to protect this country, Thank you.

With great thanks to all of the following:

The Thunder Bay Public Library:

- K.Jane Burpee, Reference Librarian, Library Liaison. Without Jane's help, advice and caring we could not have completed this project.

- Beverley Brucha, Chief Librarian.

- Rob Chandler. Thanks for working your magic fixing our computers when we had those early problems with our software.

- The Staff of the TBPL, for being so supportive of our work and the encouragement you shared.

From the Native Veterans Association:

- Frank Michon. Your entire collection of photos from your time of service was incredible. Thanks for sharing so much of your time and experiences.

- Lawrence Martin. Your quiet leadership from home was great. Thank you for being so instrumental in getting this project started. We also want to thank you for all of your wonderful photos and experiences that you submitted. It was great seeing you with the Cup.

- David-Michael Thompson, Research Developer.

From other Native Veterans and other people:

- Frank Banning. Your stories and pictures were a fantastic addition to the site. Thanks a lot Frank.

- Joseph Linklater. Your story on your experience as a P.O.W really gave us a new insight into this project.

- Betty Wetelainen. The stories and experience you shared from your entire region was a great help. Thanks for pointing us in the right direction.

- Sherry Cook from Lakehead University. Your list of phone numbers gave us so much more help than we could have asked for.

From Industry Canada:

- Rob Rump (Software Kinetics). Thanks for all of your advice on the site, and a big thanks for always being available when we needed you for help.

- Nicole Ratte (Software Kinetics). Thanks for your help early into the project and for having such a great accent.

- Linda Redekop. Thanks a lot for keeping us on our toes and always working to make this site the best it could be.

For a list of references that we have used for information read our list in the reference sections