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Profile of
Pte. Daniel Garneau

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Pte. Daniel Garneau
Dinorwic, Ontario
Also listed as Wabigoon, Ontario
Killed in Action in Sicily
Buried in Agira, Sicily in the
Agira Canadian War Cemetery
Portrait by Owen Zoccole

Daniel Garneau's Burial plot and information was found here. Directions to the cemetery in Sicily are also found here.

dgarneau.jpg (39095 bytes) This is the Obituary for Daniel Garneau taken from the Winnipeg Tribune.
It reads as follows:

Pte. Daniel Garneau of Dinorwic Ont., killed in action in Sicily, July 22 is the first Indian lad, of the Dryden district to lose his life in this war.
Known as "Dempsey" to his friends he enlisted in November, 1942 arriving   overseas in March to serve with the Princess Pats. He attended school at St. Mary's Indian School, Kenora and was 22 years old.
Surviving besides his parents at Dinorwic are eight brothers and sisters, all residing in the Dryden area.
- Courtesy Winnipeg Tribune

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Pictured here are Francis and Mary Garneau, Daniel's parents.
They are on either side on the man in the middle, one of Daniel's cousins.





While interviewing friends and family of Daniel Garneau in a recent trip to Dinorwic and Wabigoon. Some feelings were stirred up that hadn't been thought of for years. Frederick Garneau expressed a great pride that his brother would be honoured in this project while also remembering the pain that he felt when his family was given the news of Daniel's death in Sicily. The news brought back immediate memories of the time just prior to Daniel being shipped overseas with Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Daniel had been involved in a sweat lodge ceremony to prepare for his journey, and had a vision of his untimely death while at war. Not one to take something so important for granted he took time to visit almost all his friends and family in the area to say goodbye. Cousin Archie Alto, remembers Daniel walking down the railroad tracks into Dinorwic, he had come by to say his farewells and wish everyone good luck in the future. He repeated to everyone there about what he saw in his vision, and his conviction was such that they thanked him for saying goodbye and wished him well. Daniel did not believe he was going to return so he took this vision as the one chance that he would have to say goodbye to all that he loved. He faced death in Sicily and is buried there in the Agira Canadian War Cemetery.