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Profile of
Frank Boy

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This is the profile of Frank Boy. (Ed. This profile is the perfect example of having thought you had completed as many profiles as possible. Then you find one hidden among other papers).

During the two year training period, his training in Canada took place at various locations, such as Fort William Ontario, North Bay Ontario and Chilliwac British Columbia and Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Frank Boy served three years overseas in France, Germany, Britain, Italy and Normandy. He was classified as H-203108-Sapper R.C.E., Royal Canadian Engineer, who received six (6) medals and an assortment of flags. He died as a result of a wound that had developed into cancer anbd passed away on June 18, 1946. Frank Boy was buried in Fort Frances, Ontario.

His father and mother, both deceased were Sandy and Mary Boy. His sisters were Dorothy and Clara Boy, both deceased.

Thank you to the family members of Frank Boy for submitting this information. It was dated September 16, 1988, and I'm sure they will be happy to see a final product available.
All of these family members were listed on the original document:
Marie Allen, Hilda Boy, Cecilia Henderson, Florence Boshkaykin, Josephine Potson.