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Profile of John P. King
Native Veteran

00435.jpg (53056 bytes) Pte. John P. King
Regina Rifles
MacDiarmid, Ontario

John King was a very strong and friendly man in my recollection. I was a volunteer working with my Mother at Wequedong Lodge in Thunder Bay when I was around Sixteen. John was always glad to see us because we would always make a point to take him out for excursions with the Lodge. John at the time was in a Seniors home, first at Beacon Hill Lodge then another I really forget which. It is not part of what I remember. I remember the animation that John had when he was out with us, the spirit and energy that made him so much younger than he was at that time. Telling us stories about his younger days, relating to me at my young age with what seemed like folklore tales to someone of my "all-knowing" age of Sixteen. He often told me and my Mother of the time when he was a Soldier in the 'Rifles' storming the beaches of Normandy, and sharing with us the losses of so many years before. His friends, and the men he didn't know dying around him. It was this kind of stories and memories that I have of John King. One who would tell me I was 'just a kid, with the world to experience' and always have something to top what seemed the 'extreme' for me. I was with John when we watched the Remembrance Day Ceremony from a distance in Waverley Park in Thunder bay. He was in a wheelchair at the time, and was overwhelmed with emotion from the event even from a distance. Being Sixteen, I had no real idea what it meant to him or the other surviving veterans at that time. He was sharing a world of thought and emotion with me that I've only come to realize working on this project. The retrospective that I have had is one of amazement and pride that I was a person that could share for a brief time with one of our Native Veterans. I want to Thank John King for that and my Mother for letting me volunteer with Wequedong Lodge. Like many of the unrecognized Native Veterans of our time, John was a special man. I am filled with pride that John was a man that we could all look up to as an man, an elder and a Native Veteran. I am also filled with great pride because John King was my friend.
It is with this that I am proud to present Pte. John P. King as a Native Veteran, with his wedding photo that I was able to access from his niece Joanne Blackstar as the last addition to this project and website.

Stan Alto
Project Manager