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Profile of Richard Lyons           Shimaginish June 1989 - Volume 1 No.3


Honoured for Cultural Contributions - by Lillian Alto

Richard Lyons "Mishibizeens" (meaning small lion or cat) is well known for his lifetime commitment to stimulating interest and pride in Native culture. To this end, he established the Lyons Dance Team in 1972. As a culmination of his work, Richard was recognized and presented with an Outstanding Achievement Award in April 1989. This award, sponsored by the Ministry of Citizenship and the Ministry of Culture and Communications, is presented to individuals who have made exceptional contributions to community voluntarism in areas related to citizenship and culture.

A Native Veteran born and raised in Fort Frances, Richard served as a gunner in the artillery division of the Canadian Army from September 1943 to July 1944. He was stationed in Camp Shilo, Manitoba, but was ineligible for active duty because of a physical disability.

Richard encourages today's youth to preserve our own way of life; to remember the teachings of our elders. One comment he made about being in the army is that it teaches discipline--to keep your shoes shined and to make your bed. To this day, the first thing he does in the morning is shine his shoes and make his bed.

Richard says that enlisting in the armed forces is a good experience for anyone, and would recommend that our young people consider this seriously.
