The Whales of The Maritimes

Atlantic White-sided Dolphins
Atlantic White-sided Dolphins
White-beaked Dolphins
White-beaked Dolphins
Beluga Whales
Beluga Whales
Blue Whales
Blue Whales
owl picture
Fin Whales
Atlantic Harbour Porpoises
owl picture
Humpback Whales
Orca or Killer Whales
owl picture
Minke Whales
owl picture
Northern (Atlantic) Right Whales
owl picture
Long-Finned Pilot Whales
owl picture
Sei Whales
owl picture
Sperm Whale

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For more on whales, visit the Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History, and the related digital collection, Natural History of Nova Scotia.
This digital collection was produced under contract to Canada's Digital Collections program, Industry Canada

Project Co-ordinators • David Lawley, Tony Seed    Editor • David Lawley
Design • Ian Cauthery, with cartographic files from Bob Semple & John Lord    Illustration • Paul Burke
Photography • Carl Haycock    Fact-checking • Keith Jensen & Natalie Jaquet    © 1996 shunpiking Discovery Magazine