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History - Louisbourg (con't)  

fortifications of the city under the orders of the Prime Minister William Pitt, thereby removing any chance that it would be reclaimed by the French. By this time the British had sent most of the French back to France because the city was in ruins after the recent siege. The rocks that were once part of Louisbourg were cut and sent to Halifax where the rich used them to

Bellin, Jacques-Nicolas, Carte de la partie orientale de la Nouvelle France ou du Canada, 1744. Bibliothèque nationale du Québec.

build their own houses. The soldiers then took several months to destroy what was left of the fort.

In 1768, the small British garrison returned to New England. Those who chose to stay in Louisbourg had to move outside of the fort since the inside was nothing but ruins. In the 19th century, several families which still called Louisbourg their home, made a living off of fishing, agriculture, and raising sheep.

At the beginning of the 20th century, people once again took interest in Louisbourg. However, it was only in 1961 that the Canadian government started the fort’s reconstruction. At present 25% of the city has been restored, permitting us to get a better idea of what Louisbourg looked like in its prime days and also at its fall. Today, tourists can visit this historic site and embark on what seems to be a trip to the past.



Affaires Indiennes et du Nord, Lieux historiques canadiens, Minister of Supply and Services Canada, Ottawa, 1976

BRUCE, Henry, An Illustrated History of Nova Scotia, Nimbus Publishing Limited / The Province of Nova Scotia, Nova Scotia, 1997

CORBIN, Carol, Eric Krause, William O’Shea, Aspects of Louisbourg, University College of Cape Breton Press, Nouvelle-Écosse, 1995

MCLENNAN, J. S., Louisbourg From Its Foundation to Its Fall 1713-1758, MacMillan and Co., Limited, Ontario, 1918, Forteresse de Louisbourg, 2002-07-19