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History - Port-Royal   

In 1603, Henri VI granted Sieur deMonts a fur trade monopoly in exchange for colonizing the territory. Champlain, Poutrincourt, and Pontgrave participated in the venture. They took to sea in sailing ships and navigated to the Baye Françoise (Bay of Fundy).

It is there that they founded Port-Royal in 1604. DeMonts and Champlain spent the winter on Saint Croix Island while Poutrincourt returned to France to organize his business affairs. That winter, scurvy had infected almost half of the men. DeMonts decided to transport the survivors from Saint Croix to Port-Royal and the colony of Port-Royal was established.
Bernard, Jean Frédéric, L'Ile de Terre Neuve et le Golfe de Saint Laurent selon les meilleurs mémoires, 1752. Bibliothèque nationale du Québec.

The start at Port-Royal was good. The Mi'kmaq became friends of the colonists and more men and provisions came over from France. The fur trade was able to cover the costs of the operation. DeMonts returned to Europe in the fall of 1605. Dupont, Champlain and the missionary and expedition partner, Father Aubry, spent the winter at Port-Royal.
