About This Project

About This ProjectBiographyFeedbackCopyright Info.

About This Project


This album was a gift of the Newfoundland Conference of the Methodist Church to Joseph Laurence of East Keswick, Yorkshire, probably in 1885 or 1886. The first date is based on several photographs in the album that were taken in 1885, particularly the group photograph of the clergy attending the Conference annual meeting that year; the second date is the year of Laurence's death. The album was kept at Joseph Laurence Memorial Chapel in East Keswick until 1963-1964. At that time the church officials thought the album should receive more attention than it was receiving packed away in East Keswick. The London Newfoundland Office was informed of the album and asked to see it. The album was sent to the Newfoundland Premier Joseph R. Smallwood who asked that it remain in Newfoundland. The church in East Keswick agreed and in "November 1965 the Church received the payment of ten guineas from Newfoundland with a letter of appreciation." In July 1992 the Centre for Newfoundland Studies took delivery of over 150 boxes of books and papers that had been bequeathed to Memorial University by Mr. Smallwood. This album was part of that bequest.

About The Organizations

Newfoundland and Labrador Provincial Information and Library Resources Board

PILRB The Newfoundland and Labrador Provincial Information and Library Resources Board (PILRB) has acquired funding from Industry Canada to support the development of a SchoolNet Digital Collections project titled, "1880's Newfoundland: A Pictorial." The contents of the project is an album of photographs believed to be the work of Simeon Parsons, o ne of Newfoundland's earliest, self-taught, and award-winning photographers. The pictures depict life and society in late 19th century in Newfoundland. For this project the photographs have been arranged according to geographical location.

Memorial University Of Newfoundland

MUNMemorial University of Newfoundland is the owner of the album. It acquired the original album from the estate of Joseph R. Smal lwood in 1992 when over 150 boxes of his books and papers where presented to the Centre for Newfoundland Studies. The Centre's archivist, Bert Riggs, has provided editorial support for the textual portion of this project.

SchoolNet Digital Collections/Industry Canada

IC & SDCSchoolNet Digital Collections (SDC) is an innovative Industry Canada Program funded under the Government of Canada's Youth Employment Strateg y. It is designed to give Canadians 15 to 30 years of age entrepreneurial and technology-based job experience converting collections of material into digital form for display on SchoolNet. Teams of young people work with businesses, institutions and oth er organizations to make a wealth of largely undiscovered Canadian material accessible on the Information Highway. The program also aims to promote the development of the multimedia industry in all parts of the country and the productivity gains resultin g from digitization.


Ingenia Communications Corporation provided the technical support for this project. Paul Kisielewski, a member of the technical support team, provided quick detailed responses to all of our questions and concerns.

About The Website

This website was optimized for a screen resolution no less than 800 X 600. It was made possible by the following aliens :-):
Lynn Alien
Lynn Thomas hails from the planet Earth. Although sometimes she seems "out there", Lynn worked as the Project Manager for this digital collection. Lynn was in charge of the organizing, planning, editing, promoting and directing this project. Inside sources say she plans to return to planet Earth in the near future. Lynn is also a teacher in her spare time (when she finds time between inter-galactic missions!).

Scott Alien
Scott Martin also hails from the planet Earth. When work piles up, Scott tends to launch "probe 09" into space...(a nervous breakdown to you earthlings!). Scott was responsible for the graphics, animations, scripting (Java), HTML coding, and Web Development for this project. He does not know when or how he is going to return to planet Earth.

Avalon Region | Burin Peninsula | Northeast Region | Labrador Region | Misc. Photos | Interactive Map

About This Project | Biography: Joseph Laurence | Feedback Is Welcomed | Copyr ight Info.

*** This digital collection was produced under contract to the
SchoolNet Digital Collections Program, Industry Canada.