Avalon Region

Petty Harbour


Photos: Petty Harbour

Situated approximately 15 km by road south from St. John's, the community of Petty Harbour is set deep into the head of Motion Bay. The majority of its residents were employed in the fishery until its proximity to St. John's made jobs in the service industry more lucrative once road connections were put in place.

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Avalon Region Petty (Petit) Harbour

Conception Harbour | Salmon Cove | Petty Harbour | Placentia | Carbonear | Brigus | Holyrood | St. John's | Portugal Cove | Harbour Grace | Colinet | Salmonier | Topsail

Avalon Region | Burin Peninsula | Northeast Region | Labrador Region | Misc. Photos | Interactive Map

About This Project | Biography: Joseph Laurence | Feedback Is Welcomed | Copyright Info.

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