Avalon Region

Salmon Cove


Photos: Salmon Cove

A community on the North Shore of Conception Bay, Salmon Cove lies approximately 6 km (3.6 mi) northeast of Carbonear. The open cove has a long, sandy beach, the site of a provincial park. A nearby pond provides the only shelter for small boats in bad weather. On the outskirts of the cove is a meadow, the site of an abandoned neighbourhood known as Marshall's Folly.

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Avalon Region Salmon Cove (Conception Bay)

Avalon Region Salmon Cove (Conception Bay)

Conception Harbour | Salmon Cove | Petty Harbour | Placentia | Carbonear | Brigus | Holyrood | St. John's | Portugal Cove | Harbour Grace | Colinet | Salmonier | Topsail

Avalon Region | Burin Peninsula | Northeast Region | Labrador Region | Misc. Photos | Interactive Map

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