Northeast Region



Photos: Conche

Conche is a fishing community on the eastern side of the Great Northern Peninsula, at the outer limits of White Nay. From 1713 to 1904 it was a major site for French fishermen who had fishing rights in Northern Newfoundland.

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Northeast Region Conche, White Bay. The waterfront area showing boats and fishing stages. The Roman Catholic Church is to the left in the background.

Northeast Region Conche, White Bay. Fishing stages and boats at the water's edge.

Northeast Region Conche, White Bay. In the foreground are vegetable gardens; in the background are fishermen's shacks.

Greenspond | Little Bay (Green Bay) | Nipper's Harbour | Trinity | Conche | Exploits | Little Bay Islands

Avalon Region | Burin Peninsula | Northeast Region | Labrador Region | Misc. Photos | Interactive Map

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