Team leader: Marc DraderMarc Drader

Good day! I was the team leader/contractor for this site. I wrote the proposal for this project in the final month of my grade 12 year in school, and then worked on the actual project all summer. My plans for the upcoming years are to get a degree in Computer Engineering with a business option at the University of Waterloo. The experience I have derived from this project will be quite useful both technically and in the business sense.

Student workers:

Every member of this team is 17 years old and the team leader, Marc, was also the contractor for the project through his proprietorship, Marc Drader Consulting. Neither of the two digitizing team members has had any experience in Internet publishing before beginning the project, but they proved to be fast learners and the results can be viewed in this site. If you have comments or questions about this site or the making of it, the team leader Marc Drader can be reached at


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This page was last modified 08/14/96.