Bernice Redmon  BERNICE REDMON (1917 - 1993)

Bernice Redmon is the first Canadian-born Black Registered Nurse to be employed in the Public Health field in Canada. She is also the first Black woman appointed to the Victoria order of Nursing in Canada.

Mrs. Redmon obtained her secondary education in the Borough of North York and graduated from St. Phillip Hospital Medical College of Virginia, USA in 1944. Having obtained a scholarship to study nursing Mrs. Redmon later received her Diploma in 1945.

She has continued to update her education in many fields as well as taking refresher courses in nursing at Toronto General Hospital and the University of Toronto. She has studied Rehabilitation and Welfare Counselling. She also studied psychiatry and has been working in that field.

She served on the executive of the Women's Section of the United Nations Association for Canada, Toronto Branch, and was a member of the Eureka Friendly Club, one of the oldest chartered Clubs in Canada which celebrated 65 years of service. She has been a volunteer for the Children's Aid Society, concentrating on the single parent and is also active in church activities.