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Clothing and Personal Items: From time immemorial the Maliseet have developed processes and technologies that enabled them to make clothing. The elders taught people how to hunt, trap, fish, and gather material from Mother Earth. A skilled process of skinning, tanning, drying, chewing, cutting, and sewing produced clothing, blankets and mats. Traditionally, porcupine quills, moose hair and sinew were used for decorating these items. After contact with European settlers other items such as cloth, glass beads, metal, and needles were introduced to the Maliseet. Eventually traditional clothing evolved to reflect both the traditional elements and the European influence.

Maliseet hat

Maliseet coat

Maliseet hat

Maliseet headband

Maliseet purse

Maliseet hat

Maliseet hat

Maliseet sash

Maliseet leggings

Maliseet leggings

Maliseet headband

Maliseet moccasin

Maliseet moccasins

Maliseet moccasins

Maliseet moccasins

Maliseet moccasins

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