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Technologies of Travel: Maliseet people travelled either by canoe, sled, toboggan, snowshoe, or on foot wearing moccasins. Babies travelled on cradle-boards. Toboggans, sleds, and canoes were made from different parts of trees. Snowshoes were also constructed using parts of the trees, as well as moose and deer hide. Snowshoes were made with specific designs and patterns to suit the various types of snow conditions. Tightly webbed snowshoes lashed with thin strands of hide enabled the Aboriginal traveller to carry heavy loads over light powdery snow. Loose webbing with heavy strands enabled the hunter or trapper to travel over hard, crusty snow. This ability to adapt form to meet specific needs can also be seen in canoe construction. Canoes for oceans, lakes, rivers, and streams were all made to suit the type and speed of water. Please explore these ancient technologies of travel.

Maliseet cradle-board

Maliseet cradle

Maliseet cradle

Maliseet cradle

Maliseet snowshoes

Maliseet snowshoes

Maliseet snowshoes

Maliseet snowshoes

Maliseet snowshoes

Maliseet canoe ribs

Maliseet paddle

Maliseet canoe paddle

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