(1865 - 1924)

James Wilson Morrice was born in Montreal, Quebec. He was the third of seven sons of a wealthy businessman, David Morrice. Being brought up in wealthy surroundings, young James was exposed to many fine works of art in the Morrice household. At a young age, Morrice began to draw and to carve. He attended a private school and participated in sports activities despite his small size. He also made sketches of his classmates in his Latin books, but this didn't give any indication that he was destined to become an outstanding painter. In 1882, he went to the University of Toronto and earned his B.A. in 1886. At this time, he began painting watercolours. He had also taken up the flute and became an accomplished player.

After graduation, Morrice entered Osgoode Hall, Toronto where he studied law and was called to the Bar of Ontario in 1889. The older Morrice wanted his son to have the security of a profession, but his son's interests were elsewhere. Later in his college years, the thought of being a lawyer started to bore him. After submitting a couple of his works to the Ontario Society of Artists, one of his paintings was finally chosen for the annual exhibition of the Royal Canadian Academy. With further support from the likes of Sir William Van Horne and William Scott, Morrice managed to convince his father to pay for his art education in Europe. He enrolled in the Académie Julian where he studied for a short period of time until all the practical jokes got to him. After leaving, Morrice became attracted to the landscapes of Henri Harpignies. Then in his seventies, Harpignies was convinced by Morrice to criticize his work for a fee, the only tuition of importance to him at that time in Paris. By 1893, he had become greatly influenced by the work of Whistler who thought Morrice's work to be in the same category as Monet, Degas and other impressionists.

In 1899, Morrice moved to the Left Bank in Paris. He stayed at Number 45 Quai des Grands-Augustins, a dingy apartment which eventually became his studio and living quarters. Over the years, friends and relatives suggested that he find a better place, but he did not. In fact, the place had become his home base for a good part of his life. From time to time, Morrice did figure and portrait studies. One of his advertisement's for a model was answered by Lea Cadoret who was eighteen at that time. She posed for him a couple of times, and they fell in love. Morrice offered to support her, and she agreed and became his mistress. At this point, Morrice began to move into prominence with his painting. In 1901, he exhibited at the International Society of Sculptors, Painters and Gravers in London, England and continued to show with this group until 1914.

Each year, he returned to Canada for a few months to see his family and close friends in Montréal. In Quebec, he sketched with Maurice Cullen and William Brymner. Morrice also kept in touch with Newton MacTavish, an art critic and trustee of the National Gallery of Canada. He became a charter member of the Canadian Art Club, Toronto, in 1907 and also spent some time in New York City in the same year. He became influenced by the work of Gauguin and Matisse. He turned his attentions to the South of Europe, North Africa and the West Indies. Morrice returned to North Africa many times and was believed to have a studio in Marrakesh for a season. In 1916, he was back in Paris and Lea had persuaded him to stay at a cleaner, more comfortable studio on Quai de la Tournelle. When his father died in 1914, Morrice received a fairly large inheritance from his father's estate. In contrast to his apparent wealth, Morrice never displayed any lavishness with the exception of his fine clothing. When he travelled, he stayed in second class hotels and developed the habit of playing poor. Morrice sought refuge in warmer climates. He had been travelling south with Lea for a number of years and decided to buy a house Cagnes-Sur-Mer, not far from Nice. In 1917, he was commissioned by English critic, P.G. Konody, to do a canvas depicting Canadian soldiers. The work is now in the Canadian War Collection. In 1923, Morrice fell seriously ill while in Tunis. He asked that messages be sent to his relatives and Lea. He died in Tunis on January 23, 1924 and was buried on the 25th in the European cemetery.

His paintings were eagerly sought by collectors during his lifetime. After his death, Matisse sent a tribute letter for Morrice to the editor of L'Art et Les Artistes. At the same time, Dunoyer de Segonzac organized a memorial exhibition of his work at the Salon d'Automne, an honour rarely given by the organization to a foreign artist. Today, his paintings are still eagerly sought and sell for high prices.

Winter Street with Horses and Sleighs (1896)

Return from School (c.1901)

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