(1812 - 1901)

Otto R. Jacobi was one of three German born painters that made their way to Canada to paint the Canadian landscape. Born in Prussia, he studied Düsseldorf at the famous academy. Later, he served as a private tutor and was the court painter to the Grand Duke of Nassau, for nearly twenty years. During the 1860's, migrating to the Americas with his family, he made home in Montréal. After five years, the family left the city, presumably moving to the Ottawa region. In 1869, after returning to Montréal, they left for a village of Ardoch in the bush north of Kingston. In 1876, he was invited to join the Ontario Society of Artists in Toronto and moved there two years later. He moved to Philadelphia in 1881 and joined his family in the Dakota Territory in 1883. Returning to Ardoch alone, he settlef in Montréal the following year where he lived for the next five years and then spent the next five years in Toronto. Proceeding the death of his wife, Jacobi joined his son in Dakota. He died in a town which the Jacobi family named after the same village they had lived in, Ardoch.

He painted the beauty of the Canadian landscape, and he was a naturalist who created detailed pictures Canada by referring to photographs of the landscape.

Falls of Ste. Anne Québec (1865)

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