(1810 - 1871)

Paul Kane was born, in Mallow, Country Cork, Ireland. In the year 1819, Michael Kane, Paul's father, brought his family to Toronto. At the age of sixteen, Paul showed a natural artistry in decorating furniture. His employer was impressed with his work and encouraged him to paint. With the encouragement of William Conger, Paul apparently painted on his own. The young Kane daringly tried his hand at the most difficult style of painting - portraiture. A few of his early portraits are in the Winnipeg Art Gallery. His portrait of Michael Empey, a member of the Legislative Assumably of Upper Canada, is a small oil painting on paper. In 1841, he travelled on to Paris and took the opportunity to visit the galleries. In 1859, his book "Wandering of an Artist among the Indians of North America, From Canada to Vancouver's Territory and Back Again", was published. The book was an immediate bestseller. The first edition was soon sold out. French, Danish and German editions were issued in rapid succession. He and his wife Harriet had four children, two sons and two daughters. Kane seems to have been a man of standing in the Toronto community. He died, February 20, 1871.

Indian Encampment on Lake Huron (c.1845)

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