The AGO Multiple Choice Quiz

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1. This artist painted 'The Fathers of Confederation', which was burned during a fire in the Parliament Buildings during the First World War.

a) Robert Harris
b) Tom Thomson
c) Lawrence of Arabia

2. What type of painting is Antoine Plamondon known for?

a) Landscapes
b) Religious paintings and portraits
c) Nude

3. Lawren Harris, the celebrated member of the Group of Seven . . .

a) . . . was a close friend of painter Alfred Pellan.
b) . . . had an affair with his friend's wife.
c) . . . injured his hand playing basketball.

4. Elizabeth Wood studied under Emmanuel Hahn and . . .

a) . . . failed all her assignments.
b) . . . adopted his style of painting.
c) . . . married him after graduation.

5. Who were Carl Scheafer's teachers at the Ontario College of Art?

a) Arthur Lismer and Bertram Brooker
b) Arthur Lismer and J.E.H. Macdonald
c) Ho Chi Mihn and Henry Kissinger

6. George Reid . . .

a) . . . created the painting called 'Mortgaging the Homestead.'
b) . . . found buried treasure in his backyard.
c) . . . founded the Ontario College of Art.

7. William Berzcy . . .

a) . . . robbed a bank when he was a teenager.
b) . . . acquired his nickname while in Poland.
c) . . . was mugged when he was in Germany.

8. Cornelius Krieghoff . . .

a) . . . served in the American Army.
b) . . . served in the Canadian Army.
c) . . . served in the North Vietnamese Army.

9. Two hundred of William Blair Bruce's paintings . . .

a) . . . were displayed in the Louvre Museum and were well liked.
b) . . . were burned by pirates in the Caribbean.
c) . . . sank in the Atlantic Ocean and caused him to suffer a nervous breakdown.

10. Which of the following pairs of artists painted nude figures?

a) Adams and Bon Jovi
b) Varley and Holgate
c) Plamondon and Legare

11. Which one of the following artist received no formal education, but won a medal for one of his or her novels?

a) Bertram Brooker
b) Anita Bath
c) Carl Scheafer

12. After suffering a heart attack, Emily Carr . . .

a) . . . wrote novels instead.
b) . . . decided she needs to exercise more.
c) . . . decided she needed to see a doctor every week.

13. As a result of her heart attack, Emily Carr . . .

a) . . . suffered from memory loss.
b) . . . took up moonlighting as a WWF wrestler.
c) . . . questioned the meaning of existence.

14. F.A. Verner looked towards England to develop his painting skills, however he ended up . . .

a) . . . as a clerk in a London shoe store.
b) . . . in the military.
c) . . . in jail.

15. At the time of his death, George Theodore Berthon was . . .

a) . . . recognized as the oldest member of the Ontario Society of Artists.
b) . . . recognized as the youngest member of the Ontario Society of Artists.
c) . . . accidentally cremated when there was a lightning strike at his funeral.

16. This artist became the president of the Canadian Art Club in the 1920's, but following his death was forgotten by critics.

a) Johnny Walker
b) Luke Skywalker
c) Horatio Walker

17. This artist's advertisment for a model was answered by Lea Cadoret. She posed for him a couple of times and they fell in love. Who was the artist?

a) Emily Carr
b) James Wilson Morrice
c) Lawren Harris

18. Which one of the following artists was the Vice-Principal of the Ontario College of Arts and a member of the Group of Seven.

a) Winston Churchill
b) A.Y. Jackson
c) Arthur Lismer

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