Bibliography Welcome to Ogopogo Country
"Chasseurs de monstres"Bibliography

GAAL, Arlene, Beneath the Depths, Kelowna, B.C., c1976

MOON, Mary, Ogopogo: the Okanagan mystery, Vancouver, B.C. : J.J. Douglas, c1977

LEVERS, Don, Ogopogo, the misunderstood lake monster: the broken bridge adventure, Kelowna, B.C. : Sandhill Pub., [1989], c1985

GAAL, Arlene, Ogopogo: the true story of the Okanagan Lake million dollar monster, Surrey, B.C. Hancock House, c1986

AMES, Mel D., The Ogopogo affair: with a comprehensive update of the legendary monster, Ogopogo, Oakville, Ontario : Mosaic Press, 1993

GAAL, Arlene, In search of Ogopogo, sacred creature of the Okanagan Waters, Surrey, B.C. Hancock House, c2001

You can also find movies, or documentary on Ogopogo.

Ogopogo stamp

Ogopogo stamp, from Canada Post Corporation.

© Reproduced by courtesy of Canada Post Corporation [1990].

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