Daryl Ellis
You saw Ogopogo?
Why do you think we should make it known around the country?
I think if people ever do, with all the modern technology, find it and learn more about it, I think they should, like the natives say, they should leave it alone. And I don't think it's one, I think it's a family group. And it could be giant sturgeon, this is what it could be. Some people say that there is no sturgeon in this lake, but a man I talk to yesterday, he has one of these parasail jobs, he's always on the lake many hours, he said he seen them, he seen these giant sturgeon come up. So what I saw could have been giant sturgeon.
Judy(his wife): You saw the eye too.
Yeah! Yeah something with a big eye came up and took a look at me. About two days after these long things in the lake. It just came up once with the waves, it was off to the right side. I said to my coach in the boat: Did you see that? But they were looking toward the bridge. Cause its nice if you got other people to witness it too.
Before the sightings, did you believe in Ogopogo?
I've heard stories for years, since I was a child in Alberta and later in Medecine Hat, we heard stories. And one of the neatest stories I heard this years, was a guy was out in a canoe, and this thing started circling around the canoe and all the fish inside the circle jump up and took off, there were scared to death. It was a big canoe, he had two friends he knew, I guess from San Francisco and one other... There were four in the canoe and they all saw circling around this big canoe. They started paddling, they were so frightened they headed for shore. I never seen anything that scared me like that but the number of people in the lake, have really been frightened by what they saw, so whatever it is, it's quite large. And of course, it's a long way to travel (showing us the lake). And as far as I know, I did hear two stories, one of a white horse, and it's an Indian legend in the north part of the lake, and the horse was crossing the lake and it got in. And the other one around Rattlesnake Island... Traditionally they say around Rattlesnake Island is it's home, of course it can go anywhere. But the story I heard down there was an Indian that was told, by others in his tribe, maybe this is 2 or 3 hundred years old, I'm not sure how long. But he was going to cross the lake, and they told: Don't go there!! But he went anyways, and... It crashes the canoe and he was never found. But other than that...