One million dollar prize reward
It was traveling slowly north and creating a wake of perhaps 20-30 feet behind it. There wasn't a boat in sight, nor any other object that could create a wake or a swell of this kind, and the water was glass smooth, eliminating any consideration that wind currents may have caused this phenomenon. The best part of this sighting is that it has been recorded on video tape from two different sources. One, the TV crew from ABC; two, the event was recorded live by the CHBC TV camera man, who also got some clips of the original tape. This latest video is similar to that footage which was taken by Mr. Kirk on video earlier this year from atop Knox Mountain. He was filming in the same general area and also has documented proof of his sighting.
The foremost authority on Ogopogo is Arlene Gaal, who has written a book entitled : "Ogopogo, The True Story of the Okanagan Lake Million Dollar Monster" Arlene saw the footage and agrees that this is a legitimate Ogopogo sighting and believes this video tape compares favourably with the video taped sighting by Mr. Kirk in May of 1987."
Does Ogopogo exist? Was he really sighted? You be the judge. The first recorded sighting of Ogopogo occurred in 1860 by a John MdcDougal, and again in 1872 by Mrs. Susan Allison of Westbank. Recorded sightings have gone on almost annually from that time until now, with eight to ten recorded sightings every year. The most frequent sightings are between Squally Point and an area just north of Knox Mountain toward Lake Okanagan Resort. The sightings almost always identify an object surfacing during very calm water, creating a wake that would be 30-40 feet in length and traveling in a snake-like fashion slowly through the water. A number of observers have photographed what they believe to be Ogopogo and many of those photographs are included in Arlene Gaal's book. While the skeptics may still have doubts let it be said that there is absolutely no proof that Ogopogo does not exist, and yet there is considerable evidence in both photograph, film and video tape that indicates that something does exist that caused this phenomenon to be seen. Is it Ogopogo? Of course it is, and the Kelowna Chamber of Commerce is participating with the Okanagan Similkameen Tourist Association's One million dollar prize reward by adding a cash reward of $10,000 for the successful capture of Ogopogo, but this should not be treated lightly. The Kelowna Chamber of Commerce does not wish any harm to come to our friendly lake monster, and to that end has established some guidelines for capturing Ogopogo.
1. OGOPOGO must be turned in alive and unharmed.
2. Fair angling methods, such as rod and line, must only be used to bag OGOPOGO.
3. Hunters will not be allowed to use nets, harpoons, or dynamite to capture OGOPOGO.
4. OGOPOGO must be kept alive.
5. OGOPOGO must be at least 20 feet in length.
6. Once captured, OGOPOGO, will have to be verified by the University of B.C.'s Department of Zoology before the prize can be awarded.