"J'ai tant de choses à dire" Marie-Thérèse Guitard
"J.A. Martin, photographe" Hélène Ouvrard and Jean Beaudin
"Jamésie : suite poètique" Camille Laverdière
"Jean Joseph Girouard & les Patriotes" Clement Laurin
"Jean-Paul Lemieux, la poétique de la souvenance" Robert Guy
"Jean Paul Lemieux et le livre" Marcel Dubé
"John Law : early trade rivalries among nations and the beginnings of banking in North America : a sixth bibliography" Lawrence M. Lande and Alfred R. Van Peteghem
"John Law : the creditability of land and the development of paper money and trade in North America : a fifth bibliography" Lawrence M. Lande and Alfred R. Van Peteghem
"John Law : the evolution of his system : a seventh bibliography" Lawrence M. Lande and Alfred R. Van Peteghem
"John Law, the French Régime and the beginnings of exploration, trade, and paper money in North America : a third bibliography" Lawrence M. Lande and Alfred R. Van Peteghem
"John Law, the influence of his system on the American and French Revolutions and its lasting effect on world economics : a fourth bibliography" Lawrence M. Lande and Alfred R. Van Peteghem
"Joseph-A. Bombardier : le rêve d'un inventeur" Roger Lacasse
"Le jour du tangara" Louis Desaulniers
"Journal de bord, Québec, 1534-1984" Yves Gélinas