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  Pierre Ouvrard Master Bookbinder title.gif [2 kb]
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  The man himself The man himself
  The bindings The bindings
  Governor General Awards Governor General Awards
  Virtual Exhibit Virtual Exhibit
  Interview Interview
  Bibliography Bibliography
  Acknowledgements Acknowledgements
  About us About Us
Ouvrard Bindings : J

"J'ai tant de choses à dire"  Marie-Thérèse Guitard
"J.A. Martin, photographe"  Hélène Ouvrard
and Jean Beaudin
"Jamésie : suite poètique"  Camille Laverdière
"Jean Joseph Girouard & les Patriotes"  Clement Laurin
"Jean-Paul Lemieux, la poétique de la souvenance"
Robert Guy
"Jean Paul Lemieux et le livre"  Marcel Dubé
"John Law : early trade rivalries among nations and
the beginnings of banking in North America : a
sixth bibliography"
Lawrence M. Lande and
Alfred R. Van Peteghem
"John Law : the creditability of land and the
development of paper money and trade in North
America : a fifth bibliography"
Lawrence M. Lande
and Alfred R. Van Peteghem
"John Law : the evolution of his system : a seventh
Lawrence M. Lande and
Alfred R. Van Peteghem
"John Law, the French Régime and the beginnings of
exploration, trade, and paper money in North America
: a third bibliography"
Lawrence M. Lande
and Alfred R. Van Peteghem
"John Law, the influence of his system on the
American and French Revolutions and its lasting
effect on world economics : a fourth bibliography"

Lawrence M. Lande and Alfred R. Van Peteghem
"Joseph-A. Bombardier : le rêve d'un inventeur"
Roger Lacasse
"Le jour du tangara"  Louis Desaulniers
"Journal de bord, Québec, 1534-1984"  Yves Gélinas

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